Whitworth Park Academy
Whitworth Park Academy
Whitworth Park Academy’s OASES Energy Officer worked with the Estate Manager and Assistant Head Teacher to support them with retrofitting and to increase engagement with energy saving behaviours across the school. The Estates Manager plans to use the actions happening onsite at Whitworth as a blueprint for the rest of the schools in the ALP Multi-Academy Trust.
Initially, the OASES Energy Officer completed an audit of the current school buildings and heating system. As part with this the OASES Energy Officer met with the Estate Manager and Site Team to discuss current electricity and heating usage. The inability to heat different parts of the building to different levels at different times was discussed; heating in the older buildings was often too high / low due to the inappropriate placing of thermostats. The Estate Manager and Site Team also shared the school’s retrofitting plans to install 4 BMS and move the thermostats to more sensible locations. The OASES Energy Officer advised the school to investigate the cost of installing automatic / sensor lighting and LEDs for the next phase of their retrofitting journey.
Retrofitting Underway
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