Langley Moor Nursery

Langley Moor Nursery

Langley Moor Nursery have been working with their OASES Energy Officer since the beginning of the ECO2 Smart Schools Project. In their annual energy meeting, their OASES Energy Officer shares the nursery’s annual energy report with the Head Teacher, highlighting what they are doing well and if there are any areas for improvement. The school has made positive changes since engaging with the ECO2 Smart Schools Project, which can be seen in their excellent and consistent energy usage.

Energy Saving Superheroes!

This year, children from the nursery became energy saving superheroes! The children started by looking at a globe; they learnt that there are lots of different places and people in the world. Their OASES Energy Officer read them a story about why it is important to look after where we live and our world. The children then decorated superhero masks and put them on to become energy saving superheroes! With support from their OASES Energy Officer, the children counted the number of lights in the nursery; there were lots! A discussion followed in which the children decided it was important to turn off lights when they are not in the room e.g. they have gone outside, as this can help look after our world.

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We help you create practical and engaging learning experiences exploring energy, climate change and the environment throughout the curriculum.


Through our support and expertise we help schools to make significant savings through practical changes and implementation of the programme.


resources for the whole school community to learn more about the environment and how to make positive changes to safeguard it for the future for all.